Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sometimes Research is Gyaaaaaah

I put off this week's page of Strawberry Syrup as long as possible. It's one I've been dreading ever since it was conceived. Why, you ask? What could be so bad about this particular page?

I'm arachnophobic, and this page has a close up of a spider.

Just drawing a spider wouldn't be bad. I know from years of them dropping on me, crawling on me, and generally doing their best to freak me out what spiders look like from a distance. However, this was a close up, and like any responsible artist, rather than just wing it, I grit my teeth, braced myself, and headed over to deviantArt to check out spiders in the photography section.

Now, I'm not as bad as I used to be. A few years back, I went on an ill-thought-out canoe trip with two other people. I'd never been canoeing before... and it turned out that neither of the other people had any idea what they were doing. Fortunately, it was a calm river, but I had to learn fairly quick how to steer a canoe from the middle when the person in front kept strong-arming us into the shore with epically bad paddling skills.

During one of those collisions with driftwood and whatnot, a branch fell into the canoe. Turned out there must have been a spider convention on that branch, because five minutes later, once we're into the middle of the river and I've finally commandeered the other paddle from Captain Disaster and Person #3 has been worked up into a thorough panic, there were at least twenty small to medium size spiders crawling all over the boat.

Running away screaming was not exactly an option, and we already had one person near-hysterical, so I managed to keep my cool, ditch the branch, ignore or slay most of the spiders, and calm #3 down enough to follow directions. Since that day, I haven't felt that utter terror that used to accompany the mere thought of spiders.

That doesn't mean I like them or love looking at them.

Gyah. GYAAAAAH. I am so gonna have nightmares tonight! ><;;


  1. Burn the page, then burn the house down just to be sure! What do they need all those legs for anyway pfft.

  2. Ah, but they need all those legs to give you that true, "omg wtf is crawling on my arm?!" feeling.

    I would indeed be tempted to burn the page, if it didn't mean burning my laptop along with it.

  3. Ha Ha! Think twice before you go on a canoe trip again, especially if it's in Florida where there are snakes!

    I don't particularly like them crawling on me, but I'm not really afraid of spiders. Vampires are another matter. . . .

    By the way, I've been wondering why, if you get creeped out by spiders, you aren't bothered by vampires. After all, they both suck blood--and vampires are soooooo much bigger. Think what it would be like if you ran into a spider that big! (Ugh, or don't! Even I get creeped out by that thought!)

    Oh, and don't take me too seriously on any of this. :)


  4. Oh, that's easy: Vampires don't liquefy your insides. *SHUDDER* You can probably guess which scene I HATED in the LotR trilogy! XD

  5. Vampires? Pfft. Not only are they not real, but Twilight has turned them into sparkling wimps. Nobody is scared of vampires anymore. Spiders on the other hand, would probably lay eggs in your eye sockets if they got the chance.

  6. Gyaaaaah... ><;; Suddenly I'm thinking of that old Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark with the lady and the spider eggs and her cheek and gyaaaah...

  7. You are an evil, evil soul. *nod*

  8. Well, I was going to ask about Shelob, but I guess you answered that question already. :)

    Oh and by the way, don't volunteer to pick tomatoes in our garden. Usually, I "let" someone else do it, but right now I'm the only one who can. The problem is, this time of the year, our yard is full of spiderwebs and even if the spiders themselves are inoffensive (?), their webs are not. I try to break the webs in front of me with a stick or something, but it seems like I always miss one and get it right across the face. (!) So far, I haven't really gotten a spider in my hair, but I keep getting crawly feelings over my face for about an hour afterwards. So, yeah, there are some things about spiders that I just can't stand. :)


  9. Oh, that's the feeling I get when one's been crawling on me! I can feeeeeel it for hours. ><;; The ones on the main floor of the house aren't bad, size-wise, but we have some in the basement that probably hunt mice and chipmunks in packs. I only go down there if I absolutely HAVE to... when you can clearly make out the legs of a spider from twenty feet away, it is a BIG spider.
